Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Take Advantage Of The 8 Ways You Can Earn Money And Benefit When You Join AIM Global

This is a short overview of AIM Global business compensation plan, which makes it unique and differentiate it from all the other MLM companies out there. This gives you the right to do fairness to AIM Global business plan.
See video of AIM Global Compensation plan….

AIM Global provides you with a high value income opportunity through its most pro distributor compensation plan.
The company rewards you with eight (8) ways by which you multiply your income through its hybrid binary MLM structure.
1.    Retail Profit Income of 25% just sharing and inviting people to use the products.

2.    Referral Bonus of N1,900 for those in Nigeria or equivalent of $11 in other countries, for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a global package.

3.    Matching Bonus of  N5,700 for those in Nigeria or equivalent of $33 in other countries every, time there is a referral on the left and right sides of your binary organisation or an equivalent products purchase of two (2) Global packages or products re-order worth of the Global packages.
The very good thing here is you get N5,700 or $33 matching bonus whether the match comes from your direct referral or indirectly from anyone under your network of distributors.

4.    Unilevel Income – 5% on monthly purchases of direct referrals and their respective downlines purchases up to 10th level. The 10 levels are completed from further down when anyone in the top level made no purchase for the month. This applies to all your direct referrals and respective downlines no matter how many (no limit).

5.    Stair Step Plan (Overriding Commission)
Silver Executive – 10% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. This is achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 10 points.
Gold Executive – 20% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. This is achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 100 points.
Global Ambassador – 30% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. This is achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 1000 points.

6.    Royalty Income – 2% from any or all your downline and his/her group’s sales volume who gets promoted to Global Ambassador.

7.    Profit Sharing – If you are promoted as GA (Global Ambassador) with 2000 points, your 1st level is also a GA with 2000 points, 2nd level with 3 level 1 GA, and in 3rd level with 5 level 1 GA, you will be given 2% profit sharing commission based on company’s sales in a year.

8.    Travel Incentives – One of the benefits in AIM Global is the Travel Incentives. With a distributor, you are entitled for an all-expenses-paid trip to USA, Europe, and Asian Trip Incentives that are organised annually by AIM Global.

AIM Global Compensation Plan Advantages:
1.    No “Compulsory” selling or re-ordering of products.
2.    No Pyramiding.
3.    No matrix filling or cycling (because AIM Global is not illegal Ponzi scheme).
4.    No auto-ship.
5.    No pass up of downlines.
6.    No demotion.
7.    Registration is one-time and there’s no need to pay again till eternity, yet you will earn around the clock (as your team activities are growing).
8.    Real-time income and activity tracking through our Online Data Tracking Centre (DTC).
9.    Daily pay-out to your Nigerian bank accounts for those in Nigeria.
10.  Professional training system (to guide you into knowing the business better and presenting it to the world at large – all for FREE!).

NOTE: The greatest profit you have is your “HEALTH” because “HEALTH” is “WEALTH”

For more information or If you’re interested, send email to aimlifeservices@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +2348028825886, +2348158022493


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