Hypertension otherwise referred to as
High Blood Pressure is the pressure within the arteries and is produced
primarily by the contraction of the heart muscles. it’s measurement is recorded
by two numbers: The first is a systolic pressure and it's measured after the heart
contracts and it’s highest. The second is a diastolic pressure and it's
measured before the heart contracts and it’s lowest. A normal BP (Blood
pressure) for an individual should be 120/80mmHg or 110/70mmHg. A person is
said to have HBP if he/she has a blood pressure exceeding 140/90mmHg. HBP is a
silent killer, it doesn't announce itself. When it gets to 140/120mmHg the
heart stops beating, cardiac arrest sets in and the person dies instantly.
of Hypertension: 1)
family history (genetics) (2) excessive intake of caffeinated drugs and beverages
(3) excessive intake of food rich in saturated fat and cholesterol (4) repeated
stress (5) bad cooking oil.
Migraine headache, palpitations: Irregular heart bit, excessive sweating,
angina pectoris: Severe chest pain caused by irregular supply of blood to the
heart, insomnia: Sleeping disorder, partial amnesia: Mild forgetfulness,
partial paralysis.
Prevention: Health education and sensitization (is
the most important way of preventing the risk factor), know your family history
(genetics), stay away from food rich in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and
junk food, stay away from caffeinated drugs, analgesic and beverages, engage in
regular exercise.
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